速報APP / 活動 / MakeMyDay London

MakeMyDay London





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




MakeMyDay London(圖1)-速報App

MakeMyDay London provides information on events, exhibitions and "must-see" sites in London, the UK capital. It can show events near you or you can tap the map to see what's near your "tap". Search for a venue to see what's on now or in the future. Create an account, login in and save or share events, or put them straight into your calendar. Saved events can also generate a reminder email when the event is due or due to end.

At last, a simple way of keeping track of cultural events in London. You may never miss an event or exhibition again, whether you're a visitor or resident. One simple tap:

MakeMyDay London(圖2)-速報App

finds venues and events near you,

changes the search date,

MakeMyDay London(圖3)-速報App

selects a search option,

Signs up or logs in or manages your profile.

MakeMyDay London(圖4)-速報App

Once logged in:

save events and get email reminders

MakeMyDay London(圖5)-速報App

place event details in your calendar

share event details with SMS, email or any messaging app

MakeMyDay London(圖6)-速報App

Contact us via the "i" button to suggest improvements or missing venues